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Benenden Health members are entitled to 10% off the self-pay cost of the Urolift® procedure.

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How much does Urolift® treatment for enlarged prostate cost?

View our self-pay treatment prices and discounts for Benenden Health members below.

Take advantage of payment plans through our trusted partner, Chrysalis, and spread the cost of your treatment. Fit your repayments into your monthly budget rather than having to find the full cost at the time of your treatment.

Procedure type
Initial consultation price
Treatment price*
Monthly cost**
Member discount
UroLift® (with flow rate test and bladder scan)
From £5,655
From £136.72
UroLift® (no flow rate test and bladder scan)
From £5,655
From £136.72
UroLift® (with flow rate test and bladder scan)
Initial consultation price

Treatment price*
From £5,655

Monthly cost**
From £136.72

Member discount

UroLift® (no flow rate test and bladder scan)
Initial consultation price

Treatment price*
From £5,655

Monthly cost**
From £136.72

Member discount

I have a question about the UroLift® procedure

Mr Steve Garnett, Consultant Urologist, talks about UroLift®, a minimally invasive, low-risk outpatient procedure for enlarged prostate (5 videos).

Video transcript

What is UroLift®?

The UroLift® procedure involves putting small implants into the prostate that pull the prostate open. So, in patients with enlargement of the side lobes of the prostate, these come together and cause a blockage. So, by pinning them apart with these little implants, it allows improved flow and better urinary symptoms.

Can UroLift® be repeated?

So, the UroLift® procedure is a small, quick procedure done as a day case. And the results are good, but it may not last forever. But the good thing is it can easily be repeated in the future if need be.

How long does a UroLift® procedure take?

UroLift® is a quick procedure that actually takes only about 15 minutes or so to do.

Can I drive home after the UroLift® procedure?

So, after a UroLift®, we don't encourage people to drive home, because generally we do that under a general anaesthetic. And after a general anaesthetic, you shouldn't drive for 24 hours. So, going home the same day as the procedure would mean you can't drive yourself home.

Can you exercise after UroLift®?

After a UroLift® procedure, you'd need to take it easy for a few days. But by two weeks I would expect you to be back to normal activity, including exercise.

What is prostate enlargement?

Prostate enlargement is extremely common in men over the age of 50 and affects many men over 60. Often men are reluctant to see the doctor about these sorts of issues but, with an increase in the number of stories in the media about prostate problems, this is bound to change.

Prostate enlargement is usually nothing to do with prostate cancer and is due to benign prostate enlargement (BPE).  The prostate sits just underneath the bladder and, as it enlarges, it can block the way out of the bladder making the flow of urine increasingly slow and intermittent when a man passes urine.

In time this can lead to other effects on the bladder, such as wanting to go more often and having to get up a lot at night. This can lead to disturbed sleep for both themselves and their partner. Additionally, some men find that they’re having to rush to the toilet without much warning as the bladder is trying to empty even when it’s not completely full.  Eventually, men can get to the point where they cannot pass urine at all and this is when a catheter would need to be inserted.

For most men, things don’t get this bad, but they have slowly worsening enlarged prostate symptoms that they may put up with for a long time and not even realise until things are treated how bad the situation has got.

What do I do if I have enlarged prostate symptoms?

If you’re experiencing troublesome urinary symptoms, you should contact your GP about further assessment. Once approved, you'll have a full assessment to check on your prostate size and urinary flow rate and assess whether you’re suitable for treatment.

Assessments for prostate problems are now quite straightforward and can easily be performed at Benenden Hospital as an outpatient

What enlarged prostate treatments are available?

There are many treatments for prostate enlargement, including enlarged prostate surgery and drug treatments, but some of these do have significant side effects.

The standard treatments for prostate enlargement, such as trans-urethral resection of prostate (TURP) or laser surgery, are very effective - but are bigger procedures with a longer stay in hospital. All standard procedures have risks of retrograde ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and incontinence. These problems aren’t experienced with the UroLift® procedure.

Drug treatments are often prescribed in the first place for prostate problems, and these can be effective, but the UroLift® procedure is preferred by many men to taking medication for a long time - and has fewer side effects than taking tablets.

Why would I have enlarged prostate surgery?

If you’re suffering from prostate enlargement - an extremely common condition in men over the age of 50 – you’ve probably noticed that you have problematic urinary symptoms. Enlarged prostate symptoms can include finding it difficult to urinate, needing to go more often, or having a weak or unusual flow of urine. Prostate problems can cause disruption, such as needing to go to the toilet during the night.

What is the UroLift® procedure?

UroLift® is a low-risk outpatient procedure that provides rapid and long-lasting relief from inconvenient and stressful urinary symptoms associated with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). UroLift® is a proven, minimally invasive treatment that fills the gap between prescription medications and more invasive surgical procedures for prostate problems.

Small, permanent implants are placed into the prostate, pulling the prostate open. In doing this the flow improves, and bladder emptying improves, resulting in fewer urinary symptoms.

The UroLift® procedure has been around for some time now and has lots of evidence to support it. The procedure has been recognised and approved by NICE (the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) as a safe and reliable enlarged prostate treatment.

What happens during the UroLift® procedure?

An enlarged prostate can narrow, or even block, the urethra causing bothersome urinary symptoms. The UroLift® delivery device is placed through the obstructed urethra to access the enlarged prostate.

Tiny UroLift® implants are permanently placed to lift and hold the enlarged prostate tissue out of the way and increase the opening of the urethra.

UroLift® enlarged prostate surgery is an outpatient treatment that requires no overnight stay. Because UroLift® is the first treatment for prostate enlargement that doesn’t involve destroying the prostate itself, there are far fewer side effects - so you can get back on track quickly. 

We’re excited to offer the UroLift® procedure at Benenden Hospital as a local anaesthetic procedure done under sedation, rather than a general anaesthetic, which allows an even quicker recovery and allows patients to get home the same day with low risk of nausea.

A GP referral will be required for this service, as well as a consultation.

What should I expect after Urolift®?

Urolift requires no removal of tissue and no cutting is involved. As such there is no scarring, risk of sexual side effects or incontinence. There is a quick return to normal activity with freedom from medications. 

What are UroLift®’s side effects and recovery times?

Unlike traditional operations which all involve cutting, there’s no risk of sexual side effects or incontinence. UroLift® is the first treatment for prostate enlargement that doesn’t involve destroying the prostate itself. It also has fewer side effects than most of the drug treatments for prostate enlargement.

UroLift® recovery times are quick; there’s a quick return to normal activity with freedom from medications.

Men's health hub

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Your wellbeing as a man should be a top priority. Your health needs change at different stages of your life whether you're young, middle aged or older.

Taking care of your body and mind at work or in your personal life and knowing who to ask for help is crucial. Our male health hub is here to provide you with further information and signposting to help.

Our Consultant Urological Surgeon

Mr Garnett

Steve Garnett

Consultant Urologist

Mr Garnett's specialties include prostate disease, kidney surgery and treatments for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH).

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