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ROSA and the future of joint replacement surgery

26 March at 6.30pm

Join our Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeons for an in-person discussion around how the ROSA Knee and other technological advances in joint replacement can benefit patients.

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Webinar: Knee osteoarthritis treatments

14 April at 6.30pm

Associate Specialist Surgeon, Mr Kumar Reddy, will discuss our range of treatments for knee arthritis, including Arthrosamid® injections, knee replacement surgery and ROSA robotic assisted knee surgery. We're the leading provider of private knee treatments in Kent (PHIN).

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What is knee pain?

Knee pain is quite common. In most cases, the pain will improve within a few weeks, but for some people it can continue for months.

At Benenden Hospital, we understand how debilitating knee pain can be – stopping you from exercising, affecting your work and, if you experience knee pain at night, even stopping you from sleeping. Our private knee pain treatments, provided by our experienced GPs, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeons and Physiotherapists can help you get moving again.

Knee pain treatments

We offer a range of treatments for knee pain, depending on the cause of your knee problems. Our guides to surgical and non-surgical procedures can help you and your clinician decide what’s best for you.

About treatment for knee pain

Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon, Mr. Matthew Oliver, provides insights into total knee replacement surgery, including what it involves and the situations that may lead to needing the procedure.

He also discusses key factors to consider when deciding whether it's time to consult a specialist about knee replacement surgery (2 videos).

Video transcript

What is total knee replacement surgery?

Total knee replacement surgery is a successful operation used to replace the human knee joint when it's worn out due to osteoarthritis or from trauma that has caused it to wear out sooner rather than it should. It's a successful procedure, but it should only be done when the patient's knee is so painful that their quality of life is on the slide and their mobility is affected.

How long does a knee replacement last?

A total knee replacement hopefully will last at least 15 to 20 years. There are several variables that can determine the longevity of a knee replacement. They are out of everybody's control but everything being equal, it should last about 15 to 20 years.

Sports injuries to your knee

If a knee injury is stopping you from taking part in sport or exercise, we offer fast access to diagnosis and treatment for knee pain.

Treatment for sports-related knee injuries

Work-related knee pain

If you kneel a lot at work, you may be suffering from knee injuries and conditions associated with your knee joints. 

Treatment for work-related knee injuries

I have a question about treatment for knee pain

What causes knee pain when climbing stairs?

There are many potential causes of knee pain when climbing the stairs. These include ligament injuries, patellofemoral pain, which is common is people who take part in sports that involve running and jumping or chondromalacia, which affects people who are overweight, or play football, cycle or run.

Knee pain when going up stairs can also be caused by osteoarthritis, especially as you age.

Why do I get knee pain going downstairs?

Going downstairs can put even more pressure on your knees than climbing stairs, so it’s not surprising that people can struggle more when descending a flight of steps.

In the same way as going upstairs, knee osteoarthritis, ligament injuries and patellofemoral syndrome can cause pain while going downstairs. If the muscles around the knee are damaged this can also cause discomfort, as can iliotibial (IT) band syndrome where the tendon that runs from the top of the pelvis, over the knee to the top of the shin, can become inflamed.

What are the types of knee pain?

Front knee pain (anterior knee pain)

There are many causes of front knee pain, including:

  • Overuse or an injury caused by a knock or blow while taking part in sport or in your job
  • Being overweight which puts pressure on your knee joint
  • Poor alignment of your kneecap
  • Being hypermobile ('double jointed')
  • Having flat feet

Back of knee pain (posterior knee pain)

Pain behind your knee can spread to the calf muscle and stop you from bending your leg properly. The most common causes of posterior knee pain are:

  • Injury to your hamstring through overstretching or to your posterior cruciate ligament from a hit to the front of the knee
  • A torn meniscus, which can cause pain when you bend or twist
  • Baker’s cyst, which can develop in the shallow pit at the back of your knee
  • Osteoarthritis which develops due to wear and tear to the cartilage which lines the knee joint

Inner knee pain (medial knee pain)

Interior knee pain can be caused by:

  • A blow to the outside of your knee, which often pushes the knee inwards
  • Activities which involve twisting or pivoting of the knees, such as skiing or some manual jobs
  • Overuse of the knee in sports such as cycling or gymnastics

Outer knee pain (lateral knee pain)

There are several situations which can cause outer knee pain:

  • An injury to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), which is common if you do a sport which involves twisting your knees, such as rugby or football
  • Exercise overuse, for example, lateral knee pain while running can be caused by suddenly increasing the distance covered, as can knee pain when cycling
  • A work-related meniscal injury, especially if your job involves lifting and twisting
  • If you have a congenital condition such as being knock-kneed or bow-legged

How to ease knee pain

You can try several things to relieve knee pain:

  • Special exercises and stretches for knee pain may help, as will gentle walking, swimming, or cycling
  • Painkillers can provide short term relief; check with your GP or Pharmacist if you’re unsure
  • Cold compression packs can provide short term relief
  • Stay positive – if you’re able to stay optimistic, it’ll be easier to keep up with exercises and activities which will help relieve the pain

What is better for knee pain – hot or cold?

If your knee is swollen and causing you pain, you should apply an ice pack for at least 72 hours or until the swelling goes down. Once the swelling has subsided, a heat pack can help reduce stiffness in the knee joint.

How to prevent knee joint pain

There are many ways to prevent knee pain:

Stay active

Exercises such as swimming and cycling allow your knees to go through the full range of motion, which helps the synovial fluid which cushions your knee joints to lubricate the knees and prevent pain and stiffness. Stretching is also an important way to preserve your joints as it prevents your ligaments and tendons from becoming tight and prone to injury.

Manage your weight

Being overweight can put pressure on your knees and affect cartilage.

Wear well-fitting shoes

Shoes which fit well and have a sturdy sole can help maintain the correct walking pattern, which will prevent injuries to your knees. As part of our podiatry service, we offer gait analysis, which can help understand the source of your knee pain.

Get injuries checked out as soon as you can

If you’re injured, it’s important to speak to a health professional as soon as possible to stop a small injury becoming more chronic (long term). Our Private GP service offers fast access to a 25-minute appointment for £100 or you can book an appointment with our Physiotherapists or Orthopaedic consultants who specialise in treating knee pain.

Why would I have treatment for knee pain?

If your knee pain doesn’t go away within a couple of weeks, or it’s stopping you from doing everyday activities, our Private GPs can help. They may suggest you rest your leg, use an ice pack, or take painkillers. If you’ve tried these already, they may refer you to a specialist for physiotherapy, an injection into your joint or surgery.

If your pain has gone on for longer, you can book a consultation with our orthopaedic knee specialists.

Our knee pain experts

Bart Albrycht

Bart Albrycht

Senior Physiotherapist

Bart works as Inpatient Senior Physiotherapist based on Bensan Ward providing Physiotherapy for our elective patients.

Mr Chipperfield

Alex Chipperfield

Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon

Mr Chipperfield's specialties include hip and knee replacement, revision hip and knee replacement, and more.

Mr Jordan Dehara

Jordan Dehara

Physiotherapy Lead

Jordan's interests include sports medicine, shoulder injuries, lower back pain and other chronic conditions.

Mr Goddard

Richard Goddard

Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon

Mr Goddard's specialties include total knee replacement and Signature total knee replacement.

Mr Mark Jones

Mark Jones

Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon

Mr Mark Jones is a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon who specialises in knee replacement and knee surgeries.

Malgorzata Mauriange

Malgorzata Mauriange

Senior Physiotherapist

Malgorzata's interests are in orthopaedics and neurology.

Mr Oliver

Matthew Oliver

Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon

Mr Oliver's specialties include patient specific knee replacement, enhanced recovery protocols and Dupuytrens disease.

Mr Reddy

Kumar Reddy

Associate Specialist Surgeon

Mr Reddy specialises in total hip and knee replacements, revision joint replacements, ACL reconstruction, and more.

Mr Thakur

Raman Thakur

Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon

Mr Thakur's specialties include hip and knee replacement, ACL reconstruction and general orthopaedics.

Mr Louis Wicking

Louis Wicking

Senior Physiotherapist

Louis's interests include rehab for sporting injuries and preoperative and postoperative rehabilitation.

Mr Dunnet

William Dunnet

Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon

Mr Dunnet's specialities include hip surgery, patella realignment and lower limb procedures.

Make an enquiry or book a consultation

Call us to find out more. You can also book an initial consultation for knee pain with an Orthopaedic Surgeon by choosing Hip or knee pain consultation then Knee pain consultation on our online booking tool.