After your turbinectomy operation, you may experience some swelling of your nose, upper lip, cheeks or around your eyes. Some bruising may also appear around your nose and eyes. A drip pad may be placed under your nose to collect mucus and blood, this will need to be changed when it bleeds through which is often every hour for 24 hours after surgery.
Your nose will be sore and bleed and you may feel like you have a bad head cold. This lasts for several days after surgery. The tip of your nose, upper lip and gum may feel numb but sensations will return in a few weeks to a few months.
Many patients report having a reduced sense of smell after surgery but this returns to normal in one to two months. You can go back to work about one week after turbinectomy but would need to take care to avoid being near groups of people for two weeks to avoid getting an infection, such as a cold. It takes a few weeks for you to return back to your normal routine. Overall, it takes one to two months to feel fully recovered from turbinectomy surgery.