What is arm lift surgery?
A brachioplasty is having excess skin and fat removed from the top of your arms. So bingo wings, some people call them. If you've lost any weight or just generally over time, age, gravity, you can get some laxity in your upper arms and some people just don't like it.
They always wear long sleeves and want to cover them up. So for people like that who have no confidence and just want to hide their arms, brachioplasty will remove the excess skin, fat, and tissue and give you a slimmer arm more comparable probably to your lower arm, your forearm as well.
Who would have arm lift surgery?
People have brachioplasty or an arm lift to remove the excess skin, fat, and tissue that can be left behind following age, time, gravity, weight loss. And it just makes people feel far more confident. A lot of the time people will lose that confidence and they don't want to wear certain items of clothing, strappy tops, short sleeves. So it's more about building self-confidence and feeling happy in your clothes and comfortable.
What happens during a consultation for an arm lift?
In your initial consultation with your consultant, you will come into the hospital and you will go into an outpatient clinic room where you'll meet the surgeon and myself and we will go through some questions with you. We'll ask you about your medical history, your social history, make sure that you've got some support after surgery, that you're fit and well enough to have surgery. And we will ask you what it is that bothers you, what you want from the surgery.
And we'll make sure that we fully understand what it is that you're expecting and how we can help to fix that. And we will offer you what we believe to be the best option as well as other options available to you. So you can have slightly longer or shorter scars. Sometimes it can go into the armpit. And some people also like it to go down onto the chest wall just to remove any extra skin that you might have, back fat, bra overhang. So this is something that can also be implemented to the surgery itself.
Is arm lift surgery painful?
As with any procedure, there is a level of discomfort. So you will have incisions, but generally these aren't painful. You will have some dressings or some tape over those incisions. And then we'll ask you to wear some compression garments for around about six weeks. We'll also ask you to elevate your arms and not extend them more than about a 90 degree angle. However, we do want you to move your shoulders so that these don't get sore or stiff, but generally speaking, no, it's not painful surgery.
What can I expect after an arm lift?
Following brachioplasty procedure, you will stay with us in hospital, either for the day or more commonly overnight, just so we can make sure that you're comfortable and due to slightly decreased mobility of your arms, we want to make sure that you're getting around okay. You will have dressings or tape on for the first week to two weeks and then you'll come back and see myself for a wound check and dressing change. You'll see your consultant again around six weeks and again around 12 weeks. You will have compression garments to wear for the first six weeks.
Preferably, we ask you to minimise the movement of your arms. So when you're resting to have them elevated around heart level and not to extend them more than about a 90 degree angle. We do want you to be able to move your shoulders around so that you don't get a stiff or frozen shoulder. You'll go home if you're staying overnight the next morning and we will give you a phone call follow-up as well.