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Mirena coil: Everything you need to know

Young woman discusses her care and treatment plan with a compassionate doctor

It can be overwhelming to decide on a method of contraception – especially when there are so many factors to consider. Our guide to contraception is a good starting point for an overview on the most common methods. We also offer a Private GP service which can get you the answers you need quickly, including a consultation regarding a Mirena coil fitting.

What is World Contraception Day?

World Contraception Day takes place on 26 September every year and seeks to improve awareness of the different types of contraception. The aim of this day is to empower people to make informed decisions on their sexual and reproductive health.

What is a Mirena coil?

The Mirena coil is a hormonal intrauterine system (IUS), a 99% effective, long-term and reversible method of contraception.

How does the Mirena coil work?

The Mirena coil continuously releases small amounts of the progesterone hormone levonorgestrel into the uterus (womb). It releases a lower quantity of the hormone than if you were taking the contraceptive pill. The Mirena coil also works to thicken the cervical mucus, so that it’s difficult for sperm to get through to the egg.

How big is the Mirena coil?

Most IUS’s are small t-shaped devices, but they can vary in dimensions. A Mirena coil is 32 mm x 32 mm.

Is the Mirena coil painful to fit?

The Mirena coil can be fitted in our calm, discreet outpatient setting, often with one of our GPs or by one of our specialist nurses. The fitting should take about five to ten minutes – around the same time as a smear test. However, you should allow at least 30 minutes for your appointment.

During the fitting, your cervix (neck of your womb) will be examined using a speculum, in the same way as when you have a smear test. A plastic tube containing the IUS is passed through the cervix and into the uterus. The threads hang down through the cervix into the vagina and are cut to about 2 to 3cms (1 inch) in length.

Some patients find having an IUD fitted painful, similar to the discomfort experienced during a smear test. You may want to take some painkillers such as paracetamol, one hour prior to your fitting. We always encourage you to speak to the nurse or doctor during the fitting if you’re struggling, as they may be able to offer you advice regarding extra pain relief.

Is Mirena coil effective immediately?

If your Mirena coil is inserted within seven days of the start of your period, it will give you immediate protection against pregnancy. If not, you’ll need another contraceptive method until your next period occurs. The effects of the coil are as follows:

  • In some women, it stops the ovaries from releasing an egg
  • It keeps the lining of the womb too thin for implantation of a pregnancy
  • Fertility returns to normal almost immediately after removal
  • You can use it if breast feeding

Is the Mirena coil safe?

The Mirena coil is safe and effective. However, if you experience any of the following symptoms, and they don’t go away within a few months, you should book an appointment with your GP.

  • Recurrent thrush
  • Period-like pain and spotting (light bleeding) after fitting
  • Your partner feeling your IUS threads during sex – get the position of your coil checked
  • Movement of the IUS device, which can be caused by strong period cramps. If you feel something isn’t right, speak to a healthcare professional

How long does the Mirena coil last?

It will be 99% effective as a contraceptive method for five years and will need replacing to ensure it maintains its contraceptive effect. However, if being used for hormone replacement therapy (HRT), it’s effective for around four years.

Benefits of the Mirena coil

In addition to the previously mentioned effectiveness of the Mirena coil as a contraceptive method, there are many more benefits to this device.

  • It’s effective in treating heavy periods (menorrhagia) and as protection for the lining of the uterus (womb) during menopause
  • You can safely breastfeed with Mirena coil
  • You don’t have to remember to take a pill every day at the same time, it manages itself
  • After three or more months of using Mirena coil, you might bleed less during your period
  • It can reduce bad menstrual pain and pain related to the growth of uterine-lining tissue outside the uterus, (endometriosis)

Take control of your reproductive health

If you’re interested in learning more about the Mirena coil or would like a consultation regarding Mirena coil fitting, you can begin your journey to better reproductive health by booking your private GP appointment online.

Or if you have any questions, you can ask them via Livechat or by calling our Private Patient team on 01580 363158.

Published on 26 September 2024