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Managing the menopause at work

Managing the menopause at work

Menopause in the workplace is a hot topic – and for good reason. According to the CIPD’s Guide to managing menopause at work, menopausal women are the fastest-growing demographic in the workplace.

But for some women, dealing with menopause symptoms at work and the fallout from the physical and emotional effects on your career can be so difficult you may be thinking about leaving the job you love - or even the labour market entirely.

Many employers are keen to normalise discussion around menopause and want to offer support to menopausal employees, whatever your symptoms. If you are experiencing menopausal symptoms and require support at work, please contact HR who will direct you accordingly.

Your work environment

In the same way as you’d expect clean toilet and washing facilities during your period, you should expect the same during menopause. This applies to your permanent place of work and if you’re travelling or working in temporary locations.

If you suffer with headaches or hot flushes you may also need access to cold drinking water and a portable fan, be able to dim lights or close blinds – or have somewhere quiet to recover.

If you have to wear a uniform for work, especially one made from synthetic materials, your employer should ensure that you have somewhere to change if you experience a hot flush or sweating.

Support from your manager

As with any long-term health condition, menopause symptoms may mean you are unfit for work – either because you’re tired from lack of sleep, you don’t feel well enough or because you have an appointment with a health professional for menopause treatment.

You should be able to rely on support from your line manager and feel confident that they will take the menopause into consideration when looking at absence or performance issues. Many employers provide training for managers and HR teams on supporting employees who are absent because of the menopause. But if you feel unable to approach your line manager, for whatever reason, other options should be available such as a wellbeing or welfare officer, Occupational Health or an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) who can act as a mediator.

Support from colleagues

According to the NHS Employers website, there are currently 3.5 million women over 50 in the workforce. And with nearly eight in ten menopausal women in work, it’s likely that other colleagues are going through the same thing. Form a community where you can talk about your symptoms. Humour goes a long way and can help you to cope with this sensitive topic.

Flexible working

All employees in the UK now have the right to ask for flexible working. If you find that the menopause is affecting you at work, your employers should be able to accommodate this, subject to the needs of the business.

This could include taking leave at short notice, changing from full-time to part-time working, changing the hours that you work, working from home, job sharing etc.

But not every job can be as flexible. If your role requires you to work long shifts, if you can’t take regular breaks, if your role can’t be performed at home or if you have to wear a uniform which can feel uncomfortable, you should speak to your manager or HR department who can carry out a menopause risk assessment.

Women's health at work

Is the menopause, endometriosis or poor sleep is affecting your work? Our Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development, Michelle Anderson, talks about how your employer can support you in the workplace.

Video transcript

Hello, my name is Michelle Anderson and I'm the director of HR OD and Employee Experience at Benenden Hospital. I'm here today to provide some information and guidance around managing menopause in the workplace. Before I do that, I'd like to remind you that menopause is a natural part of aging and usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55. It is related to the decline of estrogen levels. Some women can start the menopause much younger than others. Some women can fly through it without symptoms whilst others have many difficult and challenging symptoms to deal with. And this can have a significant impact on attendance and performance in the workplace.

The first thing to say is that you are not alone. Menopausal women are reported to be the fastest growing demographic in the workplace and many women may be struggling to manage the psychological and physical changes. Their bodies are going through a quarter of women will experience symptoms which can range from fairly regular things such as hot flushes and night sweats to more severe and sometimes debilitating symptoms such as increased anxiety, mood swings and depression. So it is really important that employers support menopause in the workplace and appreciate that menopause does not just affect women of a certain age. It can have an impact on colleagues, friends and families and therefore it is an organizational issue.

If you are menopausal and struggling with your health, you should first make yourself aware of what organizational support there is for you. Many employers have a variety of support initiatives available such as employee assistance programs, occupational health referrals and access to mental health advisor or helplines. Here at Benenden Hospital, we have run educational and awareness sessions and we strive to encourage a culture whereby women and men feel comfortable to raise their concerns and that no matter is a taboo matter. At the very least, your employers should be empathetic to your concerns and be prepared to discuss them with you. Managers have a vital role to play in supporting the health and well being of their teams. And you would hope that your employer promotes trusting and respectful relationships with managers to enable an environment to share concerns.

It is important that you know that you are entitled to the same support for menopausal symptoms as you would expect for any other health issue and your line manager support is crucial. So if you are not getting the right support from your manager, you should refer in the first instance to your HR department for further guidance. The menopausal decline of oestrogen can contribute to disrupted sleep as women can experience symptoms such as hot flushes and night sweats, which cause you to awaken. In addition, symptoms such as anxiety and a depressed mood can lead to difficulty in getting to sleep and then difficulty in remaining asleep. A lack of sleep can lead to a drop in job performance, concentration, productivity, and levels of job satisfaction. It can also lead to an increased risk of accidents, absenteeism and mood swings. And so it is important that we try to do what we can to limit that disruption.

Sleep is one of the most important elements of our well being. And there are some well documented tips to aid a restful night, such as following a regular sleep schedule, try to go to sleep and get up at the same time each day, wherever that's possible, develop a bedtime routine. Some people like to read a book, listen to soothing music or soak in a warm bath. It's about getting your body ready to sleep. Try not to watch television or use your computer or mobile device in the bedroom. The light from these devices may make it difficult for you to fall asleep. Keep your bedroom as comfortable as possible in terms of temperature, not too hot, not too cold and as quiet as possible. Exercise is really good for you and it should be done at regular intervals but not close to bedtime. Avoid eating large meals close to bedtime and stay away from caffeine late in the day. Caffeine as we know is found in many coffees and teas. But it also is in chocolate. And remember, alcohol won't help you sleep. Even small amounts, make it harder to stay asleep.

Endometriosis is a long term condition that can have a significant impact on your day to day activities. The main symptoms generally fall within pain in the lower tummy or back which is usually worse during your period, period. Pain, which can be severe enough to stop you doing your normal activities, pain during and after intercourse, pain when going to the toilet and generally feeling sick. You may also have heavy periods whereby you may need to use a lot of pads or tampons and even then you can bleed through your clothes. All of these are very personal symptoms and can be very difficult to manage both physically as well as emotionally and so it's not unusual to require time off from work when you're experiencing these symptoms.

If you're unfit to work, you may be entitled to statutory or occupational sick pay. It is also possible that in the event that symptoms cause a physical or mental impairment, which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on the ability to carry out your normal day to day activities. The condition could fall under the Equality Act and this means that an employer must consider whether there are any reasonable adjustments that could be made to support you and examples of reasonable adjustments in this context could be allowing you to work from home, reducing your hours during those times when you are most significantly affected, allowing flexible hours working so that you have more flexibility of when you can work or that absence related to this particular medical condition does not affect your absence management processes. So if you do have any questions over what your rights may be, there are many websites that can help and do refer to your HR department, occupational health or your employee assistance program.

Don’t suffer in silence

There’s plenty that your employer can do to ensure that the menopause doesn’t affect your time at work. If the menopause is affecting your mental health, you should speak to your GP for help and support. 

Speak to our experts at Benenden Hospital

It’s important not to suffer in silence during the menopause. We’re experts in women’s health and offer a range of other private gynaecology services in a comfortable, discreet and reassuring environment in the heart of the Wealden countryside.

Contact our Private Patient team in confidence today via Livechat, by completing our online form or by calling 01580 363158.

Published on 23 June 2022