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Female health awareness

Female health awareness

At Benenden Hospital we strive to raise awareness and provide support and treatment for women’s health issues. Read on to learn about our Female Health Hub and self-pay treatments for gynaecological health.

Female health hub

Our recently launched female health hub provides easy to access information about health problems which affect women at different phases of life. From your reproductive years to the perimenopause or post menopause – you’re never alone with your health.

Our hub, aimed at women of all ages, acts as a point of reference to put women in control of their own health. It provides information on key areas of physical and mental wellbeing. Women can read about a variety of topics including: the signs and symptoms of the menopause, what is endometriosis, living with pelvic inflammatory disease and support for heavy and painful periods.

It also provides short videos from Benenden Hospital’s team of Consultant Gynaecologists, who offer advice and support on topical women’s health issues.

Women’s health concerns are often thought about as a taboo subject and more needs to be done to support women up and down the country. Rowan Connell, our Medical Director and Consultant Gynaecologist said: “Women’s health is an important topic and is something that isn’t talked about enough. We want to provide women with as much information as we can.

“At Benenden Hospital we have a team of expert Gynaecologists who treat various female health issues including chronic pelvic pain, endometriosis, and heavy periods. We offer a range of private gynaecology treatments such as hysterectomy, NovaSure endometrial ablation, a procedure which removes a layer of tissue (endometrium) that lines the uterus to stop or reduce heavy periods and Mirena coil fitting.

“If you’re looking for advice on issues that are affecting your health, the first point of contact would be your GP. Alternatively, you can access our female health hub”.

An introduction to the female health hub

Consultant Gynaecologist, Mr Rowan Connell, welcomes viewers to the Benenden Hospital female health hub. 

Video transcript

Welcome to the female health hub. Here you'll find plenty of easy to access resources about women's health, whatever your age. The purpose of the female health hub is to put you in control of your health by providing easy to access information on key areas of physical and mental wellbeing to women. Women's health is an important topic in the news at the moment and it's something that isn't really talked about by women, generally.

We want to provide as much information as possible on key topics at Benenden Hospital. Our expert gynaecologists are able to diagnose and treat various female health issues including chronic pelvic pain, endometriosis, heavy periods and urogynae issues, such as incontinence and vaginal prolapse. We offer a wide range of private gynaecology treatments such as hysterectomy through keyhole surgery or otherwise and the MonaLisa Touch.

If you're looking for advice on any health issues that are affecting you, your first point of contact would be your general practitioner or your nurse practitioner in your GP practice. Alternatively, of course, you can access our female health hub or you can come as a self pay patient to see our gynaecologists or our specialist nurse practitioners.

What gynaecology treatments do we offer?

Below is a list of treatments we offer patients a variety of treatments for gynaecological problems:

There are around 14 million people in the UK today with some form of bladder problem – this is more than those with asthma, diabetes and epilepsy put together. Bladder problems affect one in three women and one in five men. However, Jan Chaseley, our Clinical Nurse Specialist in Continence Care at Benenden Hospital, says they can often be easily treated. Jan, along with her expert team treat stress incontinence, overactive bladder syndrome, prolapse and many other bladder issues

Mr Abhishek Gupta is our Consultant Gynaecologist at Benenden Hospital who also specialises in female incontinence and prolapse. Mr Gupta, who now only practices privately at Benenden Hospital said: “I feel really proud and happy to provide these expert services here because when it comes to urogynae, it is important that the hospital can provide high standards of care for patients both pre and post-surgery. I believe it’s not just about the treatment itself but about the whole patient journey and we have excellent facilities here to provide a good pathway.”

What are the symptoms of bladder problems?

Bladder problems and problems with flow will vary from person to person. Your symptoms can vary because of the type and severity of the bladder issue. Common signs and symptoms include:

  • Bladder leakage
  • Pain or a burning sensation when peeing
  • Cloudy urine
  • A strong and persistent urge to pee
  • Strong smelling urine
  • Pain during sexual activity
  • Pain or pressure in the lower abdomen
  • Needing to pee more often than usual during the night
  • Blood in your pee
  • Pain in your tummy or in your lower back, just under your ribs

What causes bladder problems?

In women, the urethra or tube carrying urine from the bladder is shorter and more prone to leaks. Stress incontinence in women can happen after childbirth, because of extra strain on the pelvis or childbirth problems. Either can weaken the pelvic floor muscles which hold the bladder and bowel in place and help to stop leaks. Some women also develop stress incontinence after menopause as hormone changes weaken the pelvic floor. But, according to Jan, bladder problems should never be viewed as a normal part of ageing.

Pelvic floor muscle exercises

Pelvic floor muscle exercises can help both men and women gain more control over their symptoms. We’ve put together a guide of tried and tested exercises to improve your pelvic floor muscles and discuss the benefits of doing them regularly. Read our article here.

Private treatment at Benenden Hospital

Our expert Consultant Gynaecologists offer a range of private gynaecology treatments and treatment for stress incontinence in a discreet environment. To find out how we can help, contact our Private Patients team via Livechat, by completing our online enquiry form or by calling 01580 363 158.

Published on 05 October 2022