Our ear, nose and throat (ENT) experts have put together a comprehensive guide to the most common do’s and don’ts post-septoplasty procedure, so you can optimise your healing.
What is a septoplasty?
A septoplasty is a surgical ENT procedure to straighten your nasal septum. The nasal septum divides your nose into left and right sides, both at the nostrils and further back. It is made up of cartilage at the front, and bone further back in your nose. By relocating your septum into its rightful central position, septoplasty therefore improves breathing through your nose on both sides and achieves this without changing the external appearance of your nose.
Do’s after septoplasty
Follow medical advice
Septoplasty is a day case procedure which is carried out under a short general anaesthetic, meaning you go home the same day as your surgery is carried out.
You’ll wake up from the operation without any external or internal dressings or packs. In extremely rare cases (less than 5%), you may have small dressings, also known as packs, in your nose for a few hours following surgery to prevent bleeding.
Equally rarely, small sheets of plastic may be placed inside the nose at the end of the operation in especially challenging cases, to prevent scar tissue forming as the nose heals during the first seven days. If used, these splints are not visible externally and are removed painlessly in our Outpatient department one week after surgery.
Septoplasty is therefore an operation performed entirely internally up your nostrils. You will have no external signs you have had anything done either immediately afterwards - or in the long term - after this operation. All internal stitches are dissolvable, and there is usually no need for any outpatient follow up after this surgery. There will be no external bruising or swelling visible in the short or long term.
Rest and relax
For the 48 hours post-surgery, you may find sleeping upright helpful on your back to minimise internal swelling of your nose.
You will be prescribed nasal decongestant and saline douche sprays on discharge from hospital to optimise healing and to make the nose as comfortable as possible while it heals.
It is really important to take things easy for the first two weeks following septoplasty surgery! You should avoid strenuous exercise but can gently mobilise around the house and local area.
You should avoid going to work and keep yourself relatively isolated from other people for two weeks after surgery, mainly to avoid them passing on coughs and colds to you. It may be possible to work from home before the end of the two-week deadline, but we don't recommend promising anything to employer or client before these two weeks!
Keep nasal area clean
You can shower normally after septoplasty, but it is sensible to avoid hot, steamy showers and baths for the first 48 hours or so, as they may promote bleeding by expanding the blood vessels inside your nose. Similar advice is relevant regarding hot drinks and food, which may have a similar effect.
A small amount of blood-stained mucus from the nose is quite normal during the first week or two, and the decongestants and douches prescribed on discharge help this. It is important not to blow the nose or to cough, sneeze and strain during the first week to prevent bleeding, and, if required, to do it as gently as possible and through the mouth.
Stay hydrated and eat soft foods
For the first 48 hours post-surgery, focus on eating soft easy-to-chew foods as vigorous chewing can promote bleeding from the nose. Colder foods and drinks are also recommended for the same reason. Some examples are porridge, strawberries, watermelon, cucumber, yoghurt, soup, scrambled egg and mashed potato.
Ensure you’re staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water, as otherwise you may get a dry mouth and throat while your nose is congested in this immediate post-operative period.
After a week, you should be able to return to your normal eating habits and start to reintroduce chewier, crunchier foods.
Don’ts after septoplasty
Strenuous activities
Depending on how quickly you’re healing, you should avoid strenuous activity, sports or exercise for about two to three weeks as this may cause discomfort and bleeding.
Walking daily and standing up after sitting for a while is recommended to ensure you increase your heart rate gently in the early days of recovery. Swimming should be avoided for at least a month post-surgery as you'll be more likely to introduce bacteria from the water into your nose and thus risk of infection will be increased.
Building up your exercise after this two-to-three-week period post-surgery is a good way to encourage heavier breathing through your nasal passages. Most patients can return to normal physical activity after a month.
Blowing your nose
Even though your nose will continue to feel blocked as the lining of your nose will be swollen, it’s important you do not blow your nose for the first 10 to 14 days after septoplasty! Wash your nose out regularly with the nasal douche solution and use the nasal decongestants suggested to you on discharge instead.
You should also sneeze with your mouth open for the first two weeks post-surgery.
Some dryness and crusting inside your nose initially are totally normal and are signs your wound is healing.
Smoking and alcohol
Drinking alcohol can slow down the healing process, increase swelling in the nose and as a result the chances of nosebleeds - avoid alcohol for at least one month to encourage the best chance at a healthy recovery.
It is sensible to try to stop smoking prior to your surgery and for at least two weeks post septoplasty, as it is proven to slow down recovery and healing after nasal surgery and can increase the risk of infection and nosebleeds.
Following septoplasty, you should avoid flying for a minimum of 21 days, and ideally for six weeks until the nose is fully healed. The recirculated air in the aircraft cabin is potentially likely to cause infection and will dry the delicate and healing internal lining in your nose.
Access our private ENT service
Your ENT Consultant will be able to advise you on any questions or concerns you have about your recovery from septoplasty. It can take up to three months to feel the full benefits of this ENT procedure, so anything you can do to ensure a safe and smooth recovery is worth preparing for.
If you’re struggling with the symptoms of a deviated nasal passage, you can book an appointment to see one of our expert ENT Consultants to begin your patient journey.
To find out more, or to book an appointment, complete our online booking form or contact our Private Patient team via Livechat or on 01580 363158.
Published on 13 March 2025