Want to achieve a tighter, flatter stomach with tummy tuck surgery but unsure about the recovery journey? The following guide, reviewed by our expert Cosmetic team, includes everything you need to know – from waking up after anaesthetic, to months into your healing.
Want to achieve a tighter, flatter stomach with tummy tuck surgery but unsure about the recovery journey? The following guide, reviewed by our expert Cosmetic team, includes everything you need to know – from waking up after anaesthetic, to months into your healing.
Tummy tuck surgery takes between two to three hours to complete and is carried out under general anaesthetic.
You’ll be away from your private ward room for longer than this to allow time for the anaesthetic to be administered by expert anaesthetists in our calming theatre. Additional time will be needed to wake up comfortably in our recovery suite.
What is the recovery period from a tummy tuck?
Clinical Nurse Specialist, Kate Comrie, provides insights into the typical recovery period following a tummy tuck. From initial rest to gradually returning to daily activities, Kate covers what you can expect during the recovery phase.
Recovery time following abdominoplasty or tummy tuck. It's generally around six weeks. So, for the first two weeks, it's a bit of rest and relaxation at home. You can generally return to work after about two weeks as long as your job isn't too strenuous.
But we advise you to avoid heavy exercise and any strength activities for the first six weeks. Scars can take up to 18 months to heal and you might not see the overall result for the first three months, but generally after two weeks, you'll be feeling back to yourself doing more normal things, but it's six weeks before you return to full normal activity.
Tummy tuck recovery timeline
On waking
You’ll awake post-surgery in our theatre recovery suite and will be told how the operation went. It’s likely your tummy will feel ‘very tight’ and uncomfortable in the initial post-operative period, but this will rapidly improve.
A general feeling of tightness around the lower incision will remain for one to two weeks post-surgery as it heals. If you’ve had muscle repair or liposuction, these are the areas that tend to feel the sorest and most bruised.
You may also notice that the mons pubis (area just above the pubic bone) becomes quite swollen and can appear bruised.
A compression garment that looks like a corset will be put around your stomach to aid healing. You might have pneumatic calf compression pumps fitted after surgery as well. These will stay on until you get out of bed.
Our nurses may give you injections of blood-thinning medication once a day during your hospital stay to reduce the risk of blood clots in your legs while you’re less mobile immediately after surgery.
Normally, you’ll be helped out of bed on the same day as your surgery, allowing you to take short walks to the bathroom and back. The bed will be bent in the middle, so your hips are flexed to take the tension off the wound. You may wish to have a pillow under your knees in bed at home to help reduce the tension.
Discharged from hospital
You’ll normally be discharged from hospital after an overnight stay. Our caring nurses will ensure that your post-operative garment fits properly and you’re comfortable taking it off and putting it back on by yourself..
Before you leave hospital, you’ll be given explanations on how to take care of yourself at home, so you’ll feel comfortable and confident to do this.
Recovering at home
Once you get home, you’ll need to achieve a balance between resting, but not lying down and doing nothing, as this may increase the risk of certain complications, such as blood clots in the legs (deep vein thrombosis or DVT).
You should take short gentle walks and make sure you drink plenty of fluids to further reduce the risks of developing DVT.
Your wounds will have been dressed with surgical tapes, which are shower proof. You can shower every day but ensure the shower hose isn’t directed towards the main wound (as this may encourage the tapes to come off too early). Once out the shower, all wounds/tapes may be dried by gently patting with a clean towel.
Early weeks post-surgery
Reading our guide to preparing for tummy tuck surgery will help you to plan ahead for the first few weeks post procedure. We advise booking one to two weeks off work to allow time for the initial recovery from a tummy tuck to take place.
It’s important to lean into your support system by asking them to help with any physical tasks such as cleaning, cooking, food shopping, driving and picking up heavy objects.
You should be able to return to light activity after about two weeks, but you should refrain from doing any exercise - aside from walking - until at least six weeks.
Continue to rest and recover at home, and if you encounter any recovery or healing issues, our Cosmetic team will be able to arrange any necessary phone calls or wound checks.
One to two months post-surgery
After four to six weeks, you’ll normally have a follow-up consultation with your Consultant. They’ll be able to advise on the progression of your recovery journey and if they think you’ll be able to resume normal activities at the six-week mark.
This includes more intense exercise and a manual job. If you have a low physical activity job, such as an office job, you’ve likely already returned to work.
After approximately six weeks, you won’t need to wear the compression garments anymore and can focus on the health of your scar.
After six weeks, you should be able to fly, so again, it’s important to clear your schedule to allow for optimum recovery time.
Symptoms-wise, many patients will still experience swelling, numbness, a slight tightness and bruising in the months following tummy tuck surgery. Your incision should be fully healed but likely still raised.
After two months
You’ll typically have one further follow up with your Consultant to check on your progress;, this is included in the cost of tummy tuck surgery.
You’ll begin to see the final result, as swelling will likely have reduced and the scar begins to fade.
One year later
After a year, your tummy tuck should be fully healed, and your final results should have been achieved.
Any inflammation around your tummy will have gone and your scar will have faded, although never disappearing, it should be hidden beneath your underwear. It is important to note however, that scars can take up to 18 months to fully settle and fade.
It’s crucial to prevent any significant weight gain or loss during tummy tuck recovery, as this may affect your results. So make sure you eat a nutritious, balanced diet and have an active lifestyle.
Before going ahead with this procedure, your Consultant will discuss if you’re planning to have more children. If you are, your tummy tuck results won’t be as effective.
Begin your tummy tuck surgery journey
If you want to aim for a tight, toned tummy with abdominoplasty surgery, our dedicated specialised cosmetic nurses who will see you through your patient journey pre- and post-tummy tuck surgery are available for any questions that you might have.
Our leading Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeons have many years of experience and are members of esteemed professional bodies including The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) and The British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS). Using the latest techniques and treatments, we can help you to achieve your desired outcomes.
Book your consultation today through our online booking tool or by contacting our Private Patient Team via Livechat or on 01580 363158.
Published on 10 September 2024