About Mr William Dunnet
I completed my basic medical training at Cambridge University Medical School and Guy’s Hospital and my interest in knee surgery developed during general training at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Stanmore, and King’s College Hospital, London.
Following my general orthopaedic training, I spent a year in Australia studying at the Institute of Orthopaedics in Melbourne and the North Sydney Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine Centre which specialises in reconstructive and replacement surgery of the knee. Working with the Premiership Australian Rules players gave me insight into the special demands of the elite athlete.
I completed my training in the Hand Unit at the Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead which is renowned for the pioneering work performed upon the World War II fighter pilots (the Guinea Pig club).
In 1999, I was one of the first surgeons to introduce the arthroscopic assisted hamstring anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) into East Kent. I have published on ACL reconstruction and more recently on patello femoral instability. My current research interest is in refining ACL reconstruction with an “All Inside” technique to optimise the use of a patient’s hamstring graft (allograft).
Above all else I value the importance of ensuring that every patient feels well-informed and at ease during the consultation - giving them sufficient time to understand their orthopaedic disorder so they can make a valuable contribution towards the successful management of their condition.
I am a member of the following professional bodies:
- Royal College of Surgeons (England)
- British Orthopaedic Association
- British Association of Surgery of the Knee