About Mr Goddard
I graduated from the University of Leeds School of Medicine in 1997, having been awarded the Jamieson Medal and Prize in Practical Anatomy (1992 – 1993) and a Distinction in Biochemistry (1993).
I joined the Kings College Hospital basic surgical rotation, followed by the South East Thames Orthopaedic rotation. I became an Orthopaedic Consultant at the Conquest Hospital in 2008, with a special interest in knee surgery.
I spent a year in research at the University of London and published many papers on knee surgery and ACL reconstruction. I also undertook research at the University of London, investigating fixation technigues for Anterior Cruciate Liagment Reconstruction and was awarded a Master of Surgery degree.
I received the Sam Simmons Prize for best paper presented at the South West Thames circuit meeting (2002), Mayday Research Prize (2002) and the Hardwick Prize, 1st prize for best podium presentation, Maidstone Hospital 2007.
I regularly teach junior doctors on various courses and am an active member of the South East Thames Knee Study Group.
I live in Kent with my wife, two teenage children and two golden retrievers and keep pigs, chickens and bees. I enjoy the outdoors, keeping fit, swimming and playing tennis.