Benenden Hospital Trust is committed to safeguarding all patients who access our services. The term safeguarding covers everything that assists a child, young person or adult at risk to live a life that is free from harm, abuse and neglect and which enables them to retain independence, well-being, dignity and choice. Safeguarding is about preventing abuse and neglect, as well as promoting good practice for responding to concerns on a multi-agency basis.
Benenden Hospital Trust can confirm that:
- It meets the statutory requirements regarding the carrying out of Disclosure and Barring Service checks.
- Its safeguarding policies are robust and are reviewed annually or more frequently if required to comply with any new national guidance or legislation.
- All eligible staff have access to relevant safeguarding training and completion of mandatory training is monitored through a system of appraisal. A training strategy is in place to ensure that staff have access to and receive training necessary to their role.
- It has a named Safeguarding Lead with a clear role and responsibilities for Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults
- There is written information and guidance on Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults in each ward/department.
- It actively engages with partner agencies and organisations and contributes to the Local Safeguarding Adult Forum.
- Executive Lead: Claire Harley - Hospital Director